Curly Hair Strands, ZBrush IMM Curve Brush
Fast and easy to make all types of curls, endless possibilites
One Insert Multi-Mesh Brush with seven (7) mesh variations for creating curly hair strands, dreads, short curls, and more. Four of them are 8 sided cylinders, three of them are 4 sided 'cubes'.
Also including three (3) curve falloff profiles (stroke-curve modifiers). One for basic tapered strands; one for straighter strands, and one that added a bit of irregularity.. Load the curves into the stoke>curve falloff, and activate size.
After completing the stroke(s), use move topological, and smooth/ inflate to add variation to each curl. Lots of possibilities with these techniques. Also worth playing with curve step options.
Love these curl brushes.
1 ZBrush Insert Multi-Mesh Curve Brush with 7 different meshes. +3 curve profiles.